Monday, February 7, 2011

Ping-Pong Diplomacy

In April 1972 The Cold War started its 26th year and had no end in the war in sight. On April 12th, a Pan Am 707 landed in Detroit, Michigan carrying the people's Republic of China's world champion Table Tennis team for a series of matches and tours in ten different cities all around the United States. 12 months earlier the era of Ping Pong diplomacy began and the American table tennis team got an invitation from their chinese colleagues to visit the people's republics for a World Table Tennis Championship in Nagoya, Japan. The Chinese invited the United States because they felt that if they invited the United States they could shift their old rivalry into a new alliance in which the United States welcomed this invitation. Soon after this trip Nixon sent Secretary of State, Henry Kissiner, to Peking to arrange a Presidential visit to China. Nixon's journey seven months later, in February 1972, would become one of the most important events in U.S. postwar history. "Never before in history has a sport been used so effectively as a tool of international diplomacy," said Chinese Premier Chou En-lai.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Origin Of Ping Pong

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Jason Elkins and I thank you for looking at my blog. I am interested in how one of today’s most favorite games called Table Tennis otherwise known as Ping Pong came about. Ping Pong is a game that I enjoy playing as well as my friends do too so I would like to discover some details about this fun game like who made it and why it was created. The reason im interested in Ping Pong is because me and all my friends play it when were bored and always gives a source of entertainment. In my blog I will inform you about the origin of Ping Pong, the rules of Ping Pong, and who created it.